Association for Social Advancement and Rural Rehabilitation (ASARR) is a non-Government and nonprofit and nonpolitical organization that was established in 1997 for the upliftment of poor and marginalized people in rural and urban areas in Bangladesh. The organization registered with the department of social services under the Ministry of Social welfare in 1998 as well as affiliated with the NGO Affairs Bureau under the Prime Minister Office Foreign Donation Registration in 2006.

Since its inception, ASARR is committed to working to reduce the poverty and hunger in society.  In line with this, it has 25 years of enriched & sound experiences to do work for the enhancement towards the rights of deprived people to implementing projects of non-formal education for underprivileged children, Child protection and child sponsorship program, Orphanage care Centre, emergency relief and response, Distribution worm cloth for poor, WASH, shelter, Combat Human trafficking, Violence against women, Vocational and Skill training for the adolescent, Primary health care services, HIV/AIDS, Livelihood, Good Governess, Gender Base Violence(GBV) legal aid support and Refugees.

Legal Status:

Sl. No. Name of the Concern Authority/Department Registration No. Date
1 Department of Social Welfare Ministry DHA-04373 21/12/1998 Valid
2 NGO Affairs Bureau-FD Registration under Prime Minister office 2152 05/11/2006 Valid 2026
3 ASARR Computer Training Institution under (BTEB) Bangladesh Technical Education Board 42072 30-06-2008 Valid
4 VAT Registration no by NBR 18011073189-180101 29-03-2015 Valid
5 TIN Registration no by NBR 660060311910 15-03-2015 Valid
6 Microfinance Regulatory Authority (MRA) 202101767 29-12-2021 Valid

Vision, Mission and Goal

Vision: Promoting Rights, Social Justice, and economic empowerment of poor and vulnerable women, men adolescents in the society.

Mission: To create social awareness, self–reliant and self-initiators through service delivery and right-based approach. Promoting rights, dignity, capacity development, gender equality, social and economic empowerment of the ultra-poor is our core motto.

Goal: Improving livelihoods and establishing rights of the poor and marginalized people of the urban slums, women & youth of the most vulnerable part of the country, coastal belt, char, and haor areas of the country people thus contributing towards achieving national developmental goals and SDGs.


  • To organize economically and socially vulnerable people especially women towards self-reliance and empowerment.
  • To strengthen the capacity of the community people in institution building & group savings, to take the collective initiative to alleviate the poverty of community people through income & employment generation.
  • To establish gender equity in society and ensure the empowerment of women.
  • To drive away illiteracy from the community through implementing educational programs for adults, adolescents and children.
  • To provide comprehensive eye care services and community-based rehabilitation with a sustainable basis.

  • To develop poor people’s resilience capacity to cope with disasters.

  • To provide community and clinic-based reproductive health care, child health care and nutrition services as well as raises awareness on primary health care, nutrition, sanitation and safe drinking water. To manage and prevent/control STIs, RTIs, HIV/AIDs and communicable diseases.
  • To promote ecologically sound and sustainable agriculture, social forestation, fisheries and
  • Establishment of own resources to increase income for the sustainability of the organization.
  • To organize and develop a network under the leading of ASARR by uniting the local NGOs/CBOs those work at the grass-root level in the development aspect in view of organizational capacity building as well as maximum utilization of available local resources.
  • To build the capacity of young adolescents through vocational and skill development training.

Donate Orphans & Save a Life

We opaerate two orphans school and vocational training center,
they need food, dress, books, education materials, teacher salaries,
sports equipments, vocational training equpments, computer and
accessories and etc.


What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

You do a wonderful job with the kids that require our help and support the people in need all over the globe. I will definitely join you as a volunteer!

Lorraine Franklin

It's always a pleasure to work with these guys - they know what they want and that is why they achieve their goals. Thanks a lot for the team spirit and your work!

Brett Lewis

Your performance under the most trying circumstances was nothing less than exemplary. You are the sole reason our rescue mission actually happened! Cannot thank you enough.

Dianna Young

Donate Today to Save Children From the Trauma of Abuse